Youth Resource Page
Please see below for some suitable resources to help you think about our current “Worldviews” and how they impact us in our thinking and actions as Christians.
Look at each video and think through how the principles and issues addressed might have influenced you and people you know who may have bought into this kind of thinking.
James Anderson: What’s Your Worldview?
Is Truth Relative?
The Speech that every School Principle needs to give.
Personal Growth & Maturity
It’s Time to Grow Up
I Learned More at McDonald’s Than at College
Discipline = Freedom
Don’t follow your “Passion”
Gender Videos
Left vs. Fact: Male and Female – What’s So Confusing?
Are Men and Women Different?
Why Girls become Boys
War on Boys
Make men masculine again
The Borderline Bar and Grill: A Tale of Men and Masculinity
Woke Movement (Critical Theories/Justice/Race/Equality/BLM)
Revolt of the Normals Part 1
Revolt of the Normals Part 2
Macarthur on Social Justice
Apologetics (Darwinism)
Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven
Family, Dating & Marriage
Honour your Father and Mother
Is Marriage Good for Men?
Dating: Don’t waste your time!
Teach your kids to be smart with money
How to get kids to listen
Is Your Child Getting Enough Vitamin N?
Let Kids Be Kids
Stay Tuned for more Clips to be uploaded. 🙂