The Bible teaches that marriage is normative in the Christian life and that most single people do not have the gift of celibacy. It also reveals that the church should be doing what it can to encourage godly marriages in its midst. This page is created to help single Christians who want to be married, in particular, so they can in their own time seek out reliable sources to help them use wisdom as they contemplate taking the next steps in preparing themselves for marriage. We as a Church believe that you should be encouraged to discuss and get counsel from other marriage couples to aid with wisdom and perspective as we are to look out for one another in deciding to marry, one of the most consequential decisions we will ever make.
We hope you enjoy the below resources and feel free to reach out to us if you have any other questions (click on the answer a question box below)
Questions to be asking yourself and a prospective spouse if you are Courting
Click on this link to access the Questions
Video: Am I Ready for Marriage? – Toby Sumpter | An excellent video on things you really should consider before making the marriage decision.
Article: Practical Guidelines for Christian Courtship (Dating Verses Courtship)
Click on this link to access the Article
Video: On Dating and Relationships – Douglas Wilson
Video: Boy meets Girl – Douglas Wilson
Doug Wilson helps in this video to understand the differences to expect in courtship and marriage. Great teaching on how God intended men and women to work together (complement on another) in marraige.
Video: Are You Ready for a Relationship? | Paul Washer
This video is confronting but its contents are excellent in asking you all the difficult questions when it comes to what kind of man you need to be to consider marriage and what it will take to think rightly about being a man who is ready for marriage. (Ladies great for you to listen to as well)
More resources to be added (Stay Tuned)
Feel free to click on the logo below to ask.
If you want to clarify anything else feel free to click on the logo below to ask. We would love to hear from you.