Marriage Series Sessions 2020


Hi and Welcome to our Marriage Series Sessions.

We hosted these 3 Sessions early in 2020 and they are designed to bring a Gospel centred focus to your marriage.

Our prayer is that as couples you as Husband and wife will listen to discuss and fill in the worksheets to learn and grow together in your marriage.

Please take the time to work through the following 3 things for each session;

  1. Listen to the Sermons and take notes
  2. Open up the PPT and follow along with it.
  3. Complete the Worksheet for each week so you can make sure you are applying and have grasped what has been taught.

We trust that these sessions will be a blessing to you in your marriage.

In His Service – Wayne Harrison


Session 1 – The Gospel Revealed in Loving Wives

ppt Powerpoint Session 01

word Icon Worksheet Session 01


Session 2 – The Gospel Revealed in Loving Husbands

ppt Powerpoint Session 02

word Icon Worksheet Session 02


Session 3 – The Gospel Revealed in Marriage

ppt Powerpoint Session 03

word Icon Worksheet Session 03


Further Studies

Restoring Marriage: Getting Back to God’s Design

 Session 02