Gospel Community Church is a Bible preaching Church who are committed to gathering weekly (Acts 20:7) as commanded in Scripture on the first day of the week (Sunday) as has been practiced by faithful Christians since the resurrection of Christ. (Matthew 28:1,9) (unhindered from the commandments of men – Mark 7:7) We believe that the Church has been granted liberty and gospel freedom in Christ (Galatians 5:1) to worship God and hear the word of God preached in all its fulness to equip the saints and to build up the body of Christ. No longer being as infants who are caught up in the clever cunning of men but people who grow up into Christ who is the Head of His Church. (Ephesians 4:12-15)
If you are looking for a place to worship this Lords Day, we invite you to join us.
Located at; 2/14-16 Beafield Rd, Para Hills West SA 5096
Follow the A Frame signs located outside of the venue.
Parking is either on the Street or turn right into the Two-Storey Unit Complex and park.
Service Time: 10.00 am to 11.30am
Service Focus: Corporate worship, Teaching/Preaching, Prayer & Communion*.
*(First Sunday of the Month)
To find out more about our Sunday Morning Service (Click Here)
We hope to see you at our Next Service
On Sunday evenings;
We currently do not hold a Sunday Evening Service but intend to in the not too distant future so please stay tuned!
Still have questions?
If you want to clarify anything else feel free to click on the logo below to ask. We would love to hear from you.